Saturday, June 20, 2009

Kidney Stone

Tinospora rumphii
Makabuhay plant

The vitalize plants is very effective to diabetic wounds, first we make a liniment oil from
vitalize plants , and after that the liniment rubbed into the affective area of the skin,
you hope the wounds is recover.You know the vitalize plant good for kidney stone? I
experience about this plants, one day i had urinary track infection
I pick of vitalize plants and slice 1/4 the flimsy three pieces and boiled three glass
of water decoction with in split second and drink 3 times a day.My urinary problem is Cure, because the three pieces of stone black the ureter is out.

Kidney stones are solid accumulations of material that form in the tubal system of the kidney.
When the stones move along the ureter, they cause severe kidney.
Kidney stones cause problems when they block the flow of urine through or out of the urethra to outside the body.

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