Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alstonia Scholaris

Cebuano term: Dita Scientific name: Alstonia Scholaris Other name: T-parak, Bita Malagatas Precaution: If may have other fee'l don't use it.

Part utilized: bark, leaves,latex and root

For: fever, diarrhea, 2 spoon slice bark of alstonia. boil 4 glass of water until 1 glass remaining water and drink three times a day. For: cough, bronchitis, 5 spoon pulverized dried leaves.boil 3 glass of water, drink 3 times a day. For: bodypain, step neck the 1 glass of latex of alstonia with half glass coconut oil mix and decoction in 5 minutes, cool and apply the pain area.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Perfect Beauty


A cabbage diet full of vitamin, A, B, C, D, E, sulfur, iron and phosphorus.
Salad of white cabbage reach of vitamin to prevent in any kind of sickness to fuse of
kidney stone, cure of asthma, breast disease, bronchitis, and etc. .. The soap of cabbage is very
effective to any kind of illness. The juice of cabbages amazing herbs to cleansing of
stomach, all kind of intestinal worm has exit it.The sawerkrut cabbage one of the amazing
herbs to give the whitening skin, cleansing blood,paled cure, ulcer,etc...